
The Endocannabinoid System

How Cannabidiol (CBD) Fosters Wellness –  CBD and other residual cannabinoids in hemp oil — like those found in the exogen™ Pro Line — interact with the body’s internal Endocannabinoid System (ECS). This system, found in all mammals including domestic pets, is tasked with regulating body functions like mood, pain, appetite, sleep, temperature and even …

How CBD Works In The Human Body

When introduced into the endocannabinoid system, CBD causes an increased release of 2-AG, one of the body’s endogenous cannabinoids. Like CBD, 2-AG stimulates both CB1 and CB2 receptors, which enhances the overall effect on the body. Studies published by the National Institutes of Health have shown that CBD also inhibits the activity of fatty acid amide hydroxylase, …

Quality & Safety Are Paramount

Quality and safety our paramount.  exogen™ products are formulated with organic, high-quality ingredients that are backed by science and research.  We pride ourselves for creating the highest quality, highest concentration and organic CBD-rich hemp oil available.  Made from 100% natural and pure extracts, C3 Global Biosciences (c3GBS) partners with generational farmers that have grown their hemp for decades where …

Validation Technologies & Clinical Trials