How CBD Works In The Human Body

When introduced into the endocannabinoid system, CBD causes an increased release of 2-AG, one of the body’s endogenous cannabinoids. Like CBD, 2-AG stimulates both CB1 and CB2 receptors, which enhances the overall effect on the body. Studies published by the National Institutes of Health have shown that CBD also inhibits the activity of fatty acid amide hydroxylase, or FAAH. This slows the deterioration of anandamide, another important endogenous cannabinoid found naturally within the body.

Implications in Medicine 

CBD’s impact on the ECS, as well as its other effects on the human body, indicate that this substance may be useful in treating a variety of medical conditions.  Cannabidiol’s neuroprotectant qualities help to protect the brain from injury.  WADA, or the World Anti-Doping Agency, recently removed CBD from the banned substance list because of its safety and efficacy in helping the body to recover and repair itself. 

Medical research involving the possible uses of CBD is ongoing, the list of conditions CBD could potentially treat continues to grow. Currently, the list includes the conditions listed above, as well as mood disorders, diabetes, heart disease, glaucoma, asthma, stroke and many more.

What is the role of the  ECS?

Rightfully named after the plant that aided in its discovery, the endocannabinoid system is a physiological system that controls and cares for your health. Endocannabinoids and its receptors can be found throughout the body, in the brain, organs, glands, and connective tissues. This system is actually responsible for helping maintain many of our bodily functions. It plays a crucial role from our immune system to our nervous system and because endocannabinoids are often found at intersections of our bodies’ various systems, it ultimately acts as a bridge between the body and the mind.

How does CBD benefit you?

The medicinal benefits that come from the proper use of CBD are seemingly limitless given the current science! CB2 receptors are mainly found in the immune system that binds with CBD and work as an anti-inflammatory agent for our body. There are immune boosting functions of CB2 that are activated by the proper use of CBD, which includes moderating the intoxicating effects of THC (aka psychoactive or high).